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F.O.P... zzzz and its July!

Sorry people... didnt update for the whole WEEK... heez. Was too tired by the time I reach home in the evening, and spent the whole night sleeping away for most of the week.

Anyway, was busy with the F.O.P, everyday woke up at 6.30am, reach school by 8am, and events just start rolling one by one, non-stop. On the first day of F.O.P, I was deployed at the entrance of the Convention centre, ushering the Freshies in. I was appalled by the sheer number of newbies coming in and searching for their classes on the noticeboards. Each of them has the -hope- of coming to poly to have a good time on their faces... Not much trouble ushering the thousand freshies into the Hall, with the exception of several blur-looking guys. Not much good looking females either, following the trend of EEE... (the only ones being those from other schools, whom "stumbled" towards the Convention Centre by accident...haha)

The rest of the first day was dedicated to guiding my assigned class on a Campus Tour, not much to talk about on that, just that I had a ex-Bpian in the class, managed to chat him up, nice guy even though I never really knew him while in BP.

F.O.P's 2nd day and 3rd day was dedicated to organising Ice-breaking Workshops for the Freshies. Each day there were two shifts, morning and afternoon. To put it bluntly, it was hard work being a Facilitator. Not only do we have to introduce total strangers to each other and getting them to work in teams, we also have to put up with doing the same thing over and over again for the 2 days. First two classes I took, being inexperienced, wasn't much of a good experience. The Freshies didn't show much appreciation towards us Student Leaders. Things got better for the 3rd and 4th classes on the 2nd day, with some of them saying goodbye and offering some chocolate (that they won from the team games) to me.

It's been a learning experience for me. If I am still a class rep by the end of this Year 2, I can look forward to participating in the F.O.P next year, with much more experience, and knowing what to expect from the Freshies, I most probably could do a much more better job.

Moving to something else thats off topic from F.O.P...

It's July and a whole new school term is starting next week...

Life's being tiring and boring as in line with much of the holidays. (But it's gonna end soon thankfully..)

Euro 2004 semi finals... Portugal won Netherlands and Greece won Czech, the latter being a major upset, setting up a repeat of the opening game as the Final of Euro 2004. Let's just hope that Portugal would turn up for this one.

Activities... not much to report on this, just that I'm going Cashew Heights for soccer again later in the evening...

That's it for now, I will try my best NOT to neglect this Blog of mine...


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