blog! I'm here again.
This time I'm typing this when I'm supposed to be in school. I skipped classes! =O
Nothing new laa... I always skip sch nowadays. What's wrong with me? I never felt so lazy during all my time in Poly until now.
Ever felt like not going out of the house at all when you woke up? It's somewhat like you ain't got the energy to welcome the day into your system. Well, that's what happened. All the reports and stuff seems to take alot out of me. Suddenly i dun feel that adept at handling pressure anymore. (Was I ever adept at it? lol.) Do alittle bit of things then start to complain. That's me nowadays.
I can't think... I can't summon energy to drag myself out of this chair and start changing for school. Someone dump me in the washing machine and wake me up please. Put me on a knife and cut me into half. Put me into the mixer and grind me to the very basic composite of me. Okay, I made myself sound like a Onion. Gee. Gotta stop. Gotta pick myself up. Gotta go. Bye.
"Usahlah kau bersedih
Dihadapanmu aku hadir
Memadam resah dan curiga dari hatimu
Apakah kali ini
Bisa kau tolak dan berlari
Setelah aku menanamkan azimatku " -- Spider
This time I'm typing this when I'm supposed to be in school. I skipped classes! =O
Nothing new laa... I always skip sch nowadays. What's wrong with me? I never felt so lazy during all my time in Poly until now.
Ever felt like not going out of the house at all when you woke up? It's somewhat like you ain't got the energy to welcome the day into your system. Well, that's what happened. All the reports and stuff seems to take alot out of me. Suddenly i dun feel that adept at handling pressure anymore. (Was I ever adept at it? lol.) Do alittle bit of things then start to complain. That's me nowadays.
I can't think... I can't summon energy to drag myself out of this chair and start changing for school. Someone dump me in the washing machine and wake me up please. Put me on a knife and cut me into half. Put me into the mixer and grind me to the very basic composite of me. Okay, I made myself sound like a Onion. Gee. Gotta stop. Gotta pick myself up. Gotta go. Bye.
"Usahlah kau bersedih
Dihadapanmu aku hadir
Memadam resah dan curiga dari hatimu
Apakah kali ini
Bisa kau tolak dan berlari
Setelah aku menanamkan azimatku " -- Spider