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Showing posts from 2005

why can't just I get something right?

Went jogging today... Halfway, cannot make it alrdy. Start, stop, start, stop. Damn unfit sia. Then halfway reached Rail-Mall.. then went in the Cold Storage and came out with 1 bottle of mango flavored Snapple and 1 packet of Ruffles. Then sat down with Lin by the drain and watch the traffic and the sky while munching the Ruffles and finishing up the drink, somewhat like some fricking beggars by the side of the road. Damn slack la, Chin ups are still hopeless for me.. moving on to other stuffs.... "right... right... right... WRONG!" Ever had that happening? Haha. You do something, or say something... that appears so correct, so well planned.. then all of a sudden on the last stretch, something/someone shouted out, WRONG!!! *Screeeeechhhhes* I'm too sensitive... ahh. Help. Help in-sensitize me... I'm too immature... help me mature! Haha. I think I'm going nuts. I tried too hard sometimes... but please put up with me. =] I wish I could be perfect... but nah, I cou...

difficult day...

Missed yet another lecture. Ahhh, what's happening to me? 9+ to 5+ in the project lab. Woo-la-la... I'm trying to wrap up the programming of the FYP in 1 single day! (Is that right? Haha.) Feeling rather braindead now... though I still harbour hopes of finishing up the programming today, but it seems abit too far for me right now. Nevertheless, I shall try! Never give up, Never surrender! Haha. Saw MX on my way home... she looked kinda different with long hair... Haha. Managed to catch a glance and picked up my courage and waved a Hello at her. Finally, not avoiding anymore, well done, Gab! Haha. I'm such a loser... alright la, thats all folks! "I put my trust in you, no matter what..."

Endless Euphoria

Hello people... I dunno how to put this across as I dunwant too many people to know what happened. So I will just say I'm extremely happy with things in my life nowadays. I'm going about everyday thinking that I'm living a dream... Haha... but I was just told by someone that it wasn't a dream! So... haha, to that someone, thank you! "Discovery of the day: I speak incoherently when I'm extremely happy."

Again and again

"Life is full of surprises." Whoever was the first to mutter this out under his/her breath is a bloody genius! Haha. I'm typing this devoid of feelings at the moments. Not devoid of colours though! Haha. I am daft, and you guys knew it. (And no one bothered to tell me! Good people you sure are... Haha) Some things in life, when forced through, could have good results and bad results. Some results would leave you dunno whether to laugh or cry. Perhaps I'm just sandwiched in between. I'm speaking so vaguely that I wondered if anyone of you actually knew what I am talking about. Then again, I dun feel anything, so who cares? Haha. Alright. Enough, all of you get back to the life you came from (which should and ought to be much more interesting than mine) and stop wasting your time here reading this crap. Begone! "Want you to love me... Want you to be... the Heavens above me... Eternally..." --- Background vocals from Robbie's Tripping

How am I feeling. How are you feeling. How are we feeling? I wanna know.

Definition of lovesick from : adj. 1. So deeply affected by love as to be unable to act normally. 2. Exhibiting a lover's yearning. 3. Languishing because of love; "strong men behaving like lovesick boys" Definition of melancholy from : noun. 1. Sadness or depression of the spirits; gloom: “There is melancholy in the wind and sorrow in the grass” (Charles Kuralt). 2. Pensive reflection or contemplation. 3. (Archaic.) Black bile. 4. (Archaic.) An emotional state characterized by sullenness and outbreaks of violent anger, believed to arise from black bile. adj. 1. Affected with or marked by depression of the spirits 2. Tending to promote sadness or gloom: a letter with some melancholy news. 3. Pensive; thoughtful. I must have excess black bile secreted inside me! HA! woh woh woh... "If loving you was a crime, then I will be spending the rest of my life in jail"

I feel weird.

It was actually just an alright day. But it just went awry when I came home sat by my computer like I do everyday, and my mum just peered in to view what I was playing. I just couldn't stand her curious stare and I just exploded. A tiff ensued and once again I was in the wrong. I will always be in the wrong when it involves mum. As I spent a few hours in my room in isolation... my Mum just continued screaming at me.. saying I nvr been this, I nvr been that and that 3 yrs of poly studies has changed me alot. Change I did I guess. So does everyone. But I think I really grown to be apart far apart from everyone. Apart from friends. Apart from my classmates. Apart from my parents. I dun want it to be this way, but I dunno how to change. I dun like people to be so deliberate in finding out what I am doing, but at the same time, I dun want to project an impression to others that I am stuck-up and withdrawn from the world. I dunno la. I feel like such a outcast. Bye. "The Prophecy i...

In the end...

I'm putting my hands clasped together in the hope that I will be guided through slowly and softly. I'm starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Let's just hope it's not a false dawn. I know where I stand. I will bow out gracefully. "... it doesn't even matter."


BANG! Sunday Afternoon! And I'm at home typing this post! Just came back from lunch. Alone. Another typical moody day. Where's the spark in my life? I'm so far apart from those who are close to me that I don't even know where I belonged anymore. I just dawned upon another fantasy of mine, and that is... to stay at home 24/7! Haha. I dunwant to see anyone. I dunwant to go out. I dunwant to be bothered with school, projects and other stuffs. I just wanna be home, safe from the rain, problems, Sun, and just about everything else. I just dunno what else I could do to feel better. I'm refusing to leave the house since soccer outing yesterday. Friends asked me to go pool today, I turn down. Dad asked me to go for breakfast in the morning.. at first I said yes.. later I said "No, I need a rest". I just wanna be left alone, yet I want to be with somebody. I'm afraid I will go all bonkers. I feel like the homeless. Unwanted. Unloved. Despised. Maybe I just want...

Heart over Mind or Mind over Heart? Thats my question to myself.

Normal Days... Brain: I want you to do this! Leg: Affirmative. Brain: I want you to do that! Hands: Roger that! So one fine day, Brain needs to work with Heart to work out a decision. Brain: I think our master need to just give things up. Heart: No! I think our master should try to hang on to things. And with that, comes hope that things would take a turn for the better. Brain: According to me, it's more logical to give things up so to move on to better and finer things. Heart: I refuse! Brain: You must accept my commands! Heart: No! Brain: Yes! Heart: No! No! No! I'm more emotional, therefore what I control the master to do in the spur of the moment is usually right! Brain: Nah. I'm more logical and rational, I control the master to execute things planned well in advance and usually with the correct results. Emotions are useless in solving problems. Heart: Sometimes I work faster than you, I give the master emotions, I give the master strength to carry out things that you ...

Another listless day.

I made it to school on time today. Didn't rush at all even though I left house at 7.30 sharp. Took a different route though. Took the bus behind my block and stopped outside Central and took the train to school. Maybe I should do that everyday. Its a chore walking all the way to the bus stop that has 106, only to squeeze on the bus and stand all the way. Perhaps I'm just plain lazy. School went relatively smoothly today, though during the break, I, Naelin and Jit & Co went Queensway to help Guru shop for a pair of street soccer boots. After school, the whole big gang of us just bundled ourselves into Raj house to watch a Hindu movie! Haha. Chips, Soft Drinks and Vodka were all around. I took a sip of Vodka + Sprite combined and immediately felt the heat building up inside. Stopped almost instantly. Was feeling so worried about my whole face going red, as someone else has already done so. Came home at around 7+. Sat in front of the comp until now. Played FM and got the EURO ...
I won my first major silverware in FM 2006! Haha. Arsenal --> EURO Cup champs 2005/2006 XD

I am a stupid child

Just downloaded the chinese song.. Old song. It's actually a remix by Andy Lau and Jacky Wu, got some dialogue in the middle of the song which is quite funny. Listening to them, makes me wonder, when I grow up to become a middle aged guy, would I have a group of male friends to laugh, cry, sing, chat with me? Haha. Thinking too much already. Half the world is into Hari Raya le, at this point of time. I will like to take this opportunity again to wish all muslims in the world Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri! =] Anyway, I shall move on with some thoughts of my own. Recent events have made me pretty tired, disillusioned. FYP, work, stuffs that really drained me... I finally figured out that perhaps I shld just leave everything to destiny or fate. I no longer feel that I have the will to change things or shape my own path to my future. I dun think I have the determination nor the ability to really gave a big shakeup to how my life's gonna be. Perhaps for some people, "When there...

went on a stroll through Xiao Gui Lin... in pictures

Refreshing to stroll through the park. Very scenic, really can help to ease a troubled mind. Haha. I'm just crapping.

Skipped school!~ Wahaha.

Yoyoyoyo!~ I. Skip. Sch. Again. YAY!!! Haha. I really dunno why I am so slack regarding 8am school days. Oh well, here I am. Haha. Went Viv's house yesterday, and boy, the food and snacks were great! Thanks Viv! Haha. Thanks for the great tasting snacks! Don't you feel that you're drooling even though it is just a picture? Haha. Anyway, as I reached Viv's house, I caught sight of the little garden (or yard as some of you might called it) just infront of the house. It was really a little patch but just have that cosy feeling, that you just feel like lie down there on the grass in the middle of it and suntan ur lazy day away. This picture don't really do justice to how cosy the actual thing actually feels. Just picture yourself, on a sunny hot afternoon, you take a beach chair or a rubber pool out into that little patch of grass there and just lay there throughout the afternoon. That is heaven man. Wahaha. Dream on, Gab! Or if you are into astronomy and such, you coul...

YAY! YAY! <----- thanks for the inspiration hehe =x

Howdy ppl! I'm gradually loosening my grip on the nozzle. (Of what, I dunno.) I can feel it. Hope that this isn't a knee-jerk reaction. Perhaps it is, perhaps it's not, oh why bother? Haha. I'm tired... *yawns* Ho's gonna ask us if we are ready for FYP next week. Oh whatevers-up-there, please gimme a sign. Haha. Deepavali and Hari Raya coming up next week, so to all my indian and muslim friends, Happy Deepavali and Selamat Hari Raya!~ To the muslims especially, "I'm looking forward to eating with you in the day again! Haha." Just changed my Video browser to a very cool and sleek black skin, just fit in snugly with my blog template as well. Cheers!~ Cya people. "Who has to know? Those stuffs I can't deny. I admit . I confess ."

Sweet & Sour... Sounds like the Pork dish...

Leftovers from drafts I tried to combine during the week: October's almost gone in a glance... So much time gone, so little done. Or is it just me? Ha. Very soon the new semester will be upon us and the rollercoaster ride of education would start for me again. Got back my results. Avoided Cs but no As for me this time, just one distinction to be happy about. Anyway, I'm having 2nd thoughts of not going to Uni. Suddenly felt that, because of my very puny amount of knowledge regarding going Uni via you-know-what, is causing me to feel this way. Ahh. What's the fuss. Things will most probably straighten itself out soon enough. *Shakes head violently and stomps feet to some techno/trance/hard metal rhythm* Here's the ranting from today... New Blog skin... "How? How? How!? Nice!?" *mimics some chirpy teenage girl's voice. Finally, about a year into the opening of this blog, I finally gave it a makeover. Or shld I say, I finally copied some html codes and modifi...


Another walk on the tightrope. Another punch on the face. Another cut on that flawless skin. How long could this possibly last? It was selfish. It was appalling. But it was raw. Feeling more and more upset as hours ticked by God knows if you felt the same way too Maybe I shouldn't have asked. Maybe you shouldn't have told me. I'm too afraid of what lies ahead. But I don't want you gone. Shame is all that I could felt. Sorry is all that I could muster. Signed, Deepest realm inside of me.


Another restless day. Another day spent in loneliness. Another day of wild imagination. Can I just not be Myself for a day? It's been hard. What is this? Heard you ain't got a girlfriend. Yea. So? When are you getting one? I wished I knew the answer. That is sad. I'm getting desperate. Trouble is, I'm letting the whole world know about it. Haha. Foolish thoughts stashed in my brain all day, just like the dollar bills neatly arranged in those briefcases we see in the movies. Question: Do you like being Single? Answer: Yea, I do. -BUT- I rather come in a pair. 2 heads are better than 1. Take my brain out from my skull now, its most probably fried. I can't think of anything else. I can't concentrate. I'm just reading books furiously, seeking refuge in another world, cos I am so afraid to face reality. Looking at the time I spent on books each day, you would have thought I ate books for lunch for the past 19 years of my life. Whatever that's up there... I ...
Ain't got a clue what went through my head when I took this. Guess I ain't got a clue with just about everything in my life.

yet another lazy Sunday...

Yet another week draws to a close... FYP more or less into the midst of the things... that's the good part, the bad part is that the various inputs that we required for the project are somehow rather difficult to implement... not that we din anticipate this part though. Weekend pool session was brought forward to yesterday, and I spent a large chunk of time inside there wasting money and time... just hope that this won't come back to haunt me in the future, for slacking so much... After that went to have dinner with Jack, while Iz went to try out Albert's rented Subaru. Went to West Mall after leaving Beauty World... and walked around the Central and finally the Mall. Been a long time since I'm out walking around busy areas alone. (Most of the time nowadays, I'm either at school or at home alone facing this dumb box.) Picture this sight, a 1.75m guy with unkempt hair and his half-rimmed specs, wearing a bright orange tee and a light brown bermuda, strolling around i...

Cracking up? *plucks a petal* Cracking up not? *plucks a petal* Cracking up? *plucks last petal...

Ever felt... Like you're cracking up? A period of time whereby you just don't feel like doing anything else but sit down in a spot and think and think and think and ponder about stuffs that probably wouldn't happen at all? Staying up late at night and watching the same love movies on TV again and again, even though you know the ending having watched it just days earlier? Indulging in a very bad habit that slowly shreds away whatever remainder of your self-integrity, self-respect and morality? Felt like letting everything just go in public, just snap infront of people whom you know, and just go practically and literally all bonkers? I do.


Woot! Just remembered that I haven't been here for quite a number of days already. FYP's been on my mind all the way... The day before yesterday was the most horrible I had endured in the whole FYP thingy so far. Always anticipating the worst before meeting the project supervisor, YET when we finally meet up, it was nothing as bad as I had imagined. Haha. Moving on, we went to watch the movie, GOAL! Haha. A rather nice dreamy movie which kinda reminds you of being a 2 hour long advert for Adidas (though it's not asif I'm bothered by it.) Quite interesting to see the places from Newcastle, England. Especially the big river running through their city and with it, the many bridges, each with their own design and style. It had me thinking what if one day I were to migrate to England... Migrate!? Did I just said that? Omg... !XOBILE (heehaw) Perhaps it was just the movie painting such a nice scenic picture of England. I don't think I would ever end up in other countries ...

tests... tests.. tests

Your Birthdate: September 21 Being born on the 21st day of the month (3 energy) is likely to add a good bit of vitality to your life. The energy of 3 allows you bounce back rapidly from setbacks, physical or mental. There is a restlessness in your nature, but you seem to be able to portray an easygoing, "couldn't care less" attitude. You have a natural ability to express yourself in public, and you always make a very good impression. Good with words, you excel in writing, speaking, and possibly singing. You are energetic and always a good conversationalist. You have a keen imagination, but you tend to scatter your energies and become involved with too may superficial matters. Your mind is practical and rational despite this tendency to jump about. You are affectionate and loving, but very sensitive. You are subject to rapid ups and downs. What Does Your Birth Date Mean? The Keys to Your Heart You are attracted to those who have a split personality - cold as ice on the out...

Yet another test...

I'm like treating my blog as if it is some treasure chest or something, keep coming back and updating it.. wahaha.. yet another test... Hmm, the test results seems to be quite true wahaha. I dunno. Perhaps I'm just a no hoper... lol. "The self-esteem is getting lower and lower, what is happening to me ?" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Very Stable You scored 22 paranioa, 43 openness, and 90 self awareness! You are aware of what you feel even though you might not feel like sharing everything with your partner. You also are very trusting in your partner and confident in your relationship. Your relationships will be very stable. My test tracked 3 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender: You scored higher than 69% on paranioa You scored higher than 29% on openness You scored higher than 56% on self awareness The How Emotionaly Stable Are You Test

Day 4... Endless Love from The Myth...

Day 4... Din really do much today in school... practically went to school to waste the electricity and air-con there. Nothing to allay my fears at all. Haha. Oh well, at least we should be getting our long-awaited EEPROM tomorrow. That's a plus amid all the negatives.... Had a knack of picking off and looping songs continually from wherever I went for the past 3 days, Haha. 1st it was Crowded House's Don't Dream It's Over, then it was Robbie William's Tripping, followed by a long time chinese classic by Wu Qi Xian, Tai Sha. Today it was Jackie Chan and Kim's Endless Love from The Myth... Just felt like posting that song's lyrics here complete with translation... =) 成龙 (J.C.) : 解开我 最神秘的等待 jie kai wo zui shen mi de deng dai Release me from this mysterious waiting 星星坠落 风在吹动 xing xing zhui luo feng zai chui dong The stars are falling; the wind is blowing. 终于再将你拥入怀中 zhong yu zai jiang ni yong ru huai zhong Finally I can hold you in my arms. 两颗星颤抖 liang ke xin cha...


Day 2 into my FYP rush... I'm already starting to feel really tired having to wake up early (even just for 2 days! LOL) haha. But at least I guess there is progress finally. My brain's stuck in 15 inches of thick imaginary snow... so, Cya. "再说你也不会懂, 心再痛你能做什么, 不再将自己深锁错了又错..."

Lol. I think I'm too honest with some of my Answers... rofl

The Boy Next Door R andom G entle L ove D reamer ( RGLDm ) Kind, yearning, playful, you are The Boy Next Door . You're looking for real Love, a lot like girls do. It might not be manly, but it's sweet. We think the next three years will be very exciting and fruitful ones for you. Your spontaneous, creative side makes you a charming date, and we think you have a horny side just waiting to shine. Or glisten, rather. You enter new relationships unusually hopeful, and the first moments are especially glorious. If you've had some things not work out before, so what. On paper, most girls would name the Boy Next Door as their ideal mate. In the real world, however, you're often passed over for more dangerous or masculine men. You're the typical "nice guy:" without just a touch of cockiness, you're doomed with girls. A shoulder to cry on? Okay, sure. But never a penis to hold. More than any other type, Boys Next Door evolve as they get ol...

Exams Over!

Yippeee Yahhoooo! Exams over! I'm happy~! Haha.. I guess the above tells it's own story already. Parents' been away for almost 6 days now... My 'ordeal' being at home alone is almost over... (Haha.. I wished it could last longer =x) The whole week home alone has been a blast. I got used to coming home to an empty house at night, and staying up late alone till the wee hours... with no one to nag me in the ears or keep an eye on me. Haha. I was still panicking ahead of this week, what might happen if I couldn't handle the 'being alone and helpless' bullshit, but well, so far so good! It was as if I embraced this sort of independence with both hands! Haha... This was as close to ideal as the ideal life I want. Just to let you know, I want to be a typical Yuppie if possible, with my own apartment, a games room with my very own pool table, a small kitchen for me to cook food for my guests, and finally a living room with a projecter screen as my TV and a comfy...

another PDT

I borrowed materials from Yx... haha... *ahem* lol. Okay.. I went to do yet another Personality Disorder test... and I seriously think the results below are rather disturbing... I din receive any High rating for anything, but still "Moderate" for almost everything is quite bad alrdy. Haha, you guys take the test and see how? LoL.. Another boring post done! =) Disorder Rating Paranoid Personality Disorder : Moderate Schizoid Personality Disorder : Moderate Schizotypal Personality Disorder : Moderate Antisocial Personality Disorder : Moderate Borderline Personality Disorder : Low Histrionic Personality Disorder : Moderate Narcissistic Personality Disorder : Moderate Avoidant Personality Disorder : Moderate Dependent Personality Disorder : Moderate Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder : Moderate -- Take the Personality Disorder Test -- -- Personality Disorder Info --

12 wishes on my Bdae, one for each month? haha

In the midst of my examination period... My birthday came! Yeayy.. how happy. duh. This year was just like any other year. One dinner with parents, and 1 cake. 1 Wallet as prezzie, and yup, thats about it. Gab... why do u hafta whine even on your birthday? wahaha. Okay...i shall move on to what my post title is about... I received 12 wishes from the 20th till the 22nd... I shall try and recall them in a chronicle way... On the 20th, I received wishes from Shaz and Nora online... then next up are Mum and Dad... during the dinner, then we went to buy the Cake and the cake shop uncle was just being nice, he wished me too. Thats 4 on the 20th. On the 21st, first thing i woke up to... was Dee's sms. Afterwhich, I went out to study... while on my way there, the 2 ladies from Habbo sms me seperately, Jas and Star, thanks. Then on my way back, Liz sms-ed me one of the crappiest ever wishes I ever received (that was, until i saw Wee Leong's). As the night went on, T.V. msged me online ...

just did a personality defect test...

Schoolyard Bully You are 28% Rational, 57% Extroverted, 57% Brutal, and 42% Arrogant. You are the Schoolyard Bully! You focus more on feelings than rationality, and thus tend to be driven by your emotions. You are probably easy to anger or annoy, for instance. You are also an extrovert who wouldn't mind having a lot of attention, although you may not always get it. Another character trait you possess is your brutality, manifested by the fact that you tend to be aggressive and do not care about the well-being of others. Also, you exhibit signs of humility, leading one to conlude that you are actually insecure, because very few people are truly humble AND brutal. Thus, like any schoolyard bully, you seek constant attention for yourself and have no issues with administering beatings because you are quite emotional and easy to upset. Not only that, but your insecurity may be a prime motivation for your brutality. As psychologists have noted, most schoolyard bullies only pick on other...

a Song....translation? =x

Reports are boring the hell outta me! Wish I could get away from reality... Wee Just felt like posting this song onto the blog... its something that I would like to loosely translate. (I shall give a special mention to a good friend, TV, for sending me this song, and THEN provided me with the lyrics upon my request... even if there's a few mistakes here and there. Would like to express my gratitude to him for saving my ass on alot of occasions throughout my years in Poly. Always remain as friends yah? Tell me if you ever read this =] ) Try changing the codings for this page if you can't read the chinese characters. If you really wanna read the chinese lyrics, drop me a message, I would printscreen specially for you. Haha. Asif anybody needs it. Alright, here goes nothing! 我想听你说 by 蔡淳佳 I wanna hear you say by Joi Chua 喜欢到底怎么说 你用微笑来问我 假如你要靠近我 别让空气太沉默 "How do you express ur feelings to the one that you adore?" You asked me with a smile If you wanna get closer to me Don...

mentally tired, physically tired.

blog! I'm here again. This time I'm typing this when I'm supposed to be in school. I skipped classes! =O Nothing new laa... I always skip sch nowadays. What's wrong with me? I never felt so lazy during all my time in Poly until now. Ever felt like not going out of the house at all when you woke up? It's somewhat like you ain't got the energy to welcome the day into your system. Well, that's what happened. All the reports and stuff seems to take alot out of me. Suddenly i dun feel that adept at handling pressure anymore. (Was I ever adept at it? lol.) Do alittle bit of things then start to complain. That's me nowadays. I can't think... I can't summon energy to drag myself out of this chair and start changing for school. Someone dump me in the washing machine and wake me up please. Put me on a knife and cut me into half. Put me into the mixer and grind me to the very basic composite of me. Okay, I made myself sound like a Onion. Gee. Gotta stop. G...

feeling terrible

blog! blog!... I only run to you when I'm emotionally down... Today, I finally found the words I want to say it out but never could... I was chatting to YZ, and the following words just sorta tumbled out... YZ: whether things remain the same or become worse or become depends on a few factors one of which is yurself Me: im so confused... im like waiting for something to happen Me: and i know it wun.. YZ: ahhh.... Me: things like Me: one fine parents turned up and say to me.. "youre allowed to marry a muslim girl" Me: or walla! one day i woke up and found myself with darker skin and in a muslim home Me: OR... she woke up and found herself with brighter skin and in a chinese home Me: things like that never did happen.. never happen... never will in the future. YZ: ..... Me: ok apart from 1st one.. it might in the future YZ: exactly..... YZ: so make the best out of things Me: if i aged 50, and still a bachelor Kinda cheesy, but that is how horrid I feel ...

several hours before school reopening...

H ello people.. back here in the middle of the night at around 2am... some 11 hours before school starts at 1pm.. heheh.. Surprised to see a gush of comments following my last post, really... din expect some of you guys to actually read it. ( And yea Carine, pleasantly surprised =D ) *tap tap tap* hmmm.. let's get back down to blogging business eh... Well, its officially the day my 3rd year in poly starts... Most of my ex classmates have already started their sch term today, and yet I din go sch today... no classes every Monday.. woo. No more Monday Sucks for me... heh. Got into the CST (Computer Systems Technology) specialization... Guess you guys could call me up whenever you got problems with your PCs. Just browsed through my Recommended Textbks under the module... it's basically hardware, and repairing, upgrading etc. Finally, one of my childhood dreams is about to be realised... I can officially be classified as a Computer "Expert"! YAY...haha I'm so duh... U...

Squeezing my brain juices....

H owdy everyone... I just removed the hit counters... its been giving me crosses for the past few weeks, I guess I just hafta do without it, so you people.. make some sounds... its kinda depressing looking at 0 comments all over my blog.. haha. Never mind.. think no one got anything to say about my posts. It seems that everytime I'm moody or had nothing to do, then I will reluctantly come here and give inputs. Hmm. Can anyone tell me how do you get over a person whom you like, but can almost never get? Hahaz... My thoughts are killing me (not that I have any suicidal thoughts), but its depressing me out. Went to Esplanade to kill time yesterday... took one photo of the CBD "skyscrapers"... Singapore is so boring you know... not much places to go... Daydreaming and idling all the time infront of this idiot box... I'm going crazy!~ Hahahz... Pathetic Gab, get a life... "I can't deny the way that I'm feeling... It's true." -- Craig Davids

boring boring holidays.

Hello everyone!~ Its been a while since I last posted anything at all on this blog. Well..for starters, I just figured out how to post images onto the blog using BloggerBot.. *pops champagne*... duh... Okay okay... let's see what I have with me on my mind today... First of all, it's the freaking School Holidays.... yay... and I'm rotting at home 24/7 until 30th May... *frantically praying for that date to come quickly* Haha.. exams over, now waiting for the young ones (secondary school) to finish their exams, so I can have company on Habbo~! Haha.. im sooo childish. Exams results came out a few days ago, I must say I'm not very happy with my results, but my Maths gave me a big, big surprise... (Just like when Senegal won France 1-0 in the World Cup 2002 opener) I scored a A!~ haha... but other modules to disappoint me are mainly CA and ACS... =\ Moving on, I started going for Driving Theory lessons... I picked Auto Transmission... but did i make the wrong choice? Haha....
That's me in lecture.... smiling like a bloody idiot.. lolz 

rainy Sunday...

Hey people.. Feeling quite bored at home , so popped in to increase the number of posts. Yet again, its been a long time since I last blogged. (Dating back to January 16th i believe...). Apologies, as usual -hee- So...let's see.. what have I gotta say this time round. Alright. First an update on my life. The mid semester test whizzed by without much problems. I finished my maths tutorials for the first time in my poly life, I more or less understood what all the modules were talking abt (albeit after some last minute studies in the week before the Exams...). Considering the fact that this time, the study week before the exam, is actually the Chinese New Year period. I must consider myself to be exceptionally lucky to come out of the week without any illness from eating all those goodies, and managing to avoid scoring under 70 for all the papers =D. *heez* Talking about the Chinese New Year, it was such a bore compared to those times in the past. I don't feel any excitement bui...

Hello Every1!!!

hAhahz... sURpRisE!!! I'm back after a long, long, loooOOooong time. HAhaz.. It's January already... New school term already started way back in December... so boRing rights... haha. Anyway, I did well for the MST last sem, 4 As and 2 Bs... Anyway, as usual, I got not much to talk about.. -hAhaz- Let's see, what can I tell you all. Life's been boring bah. It's getting really really repetitive... Monday - Friday schooling, and the starting time for each day is either 8am or 9am.. damn crappy eh... Then on Thursdays, there is always a 3 hour break before the Financial Management tutorial. During this break, I would always go to Snookerium with Phyo, Faisal and Vince to play pool. As for weekends, as usual la, MORE pool... Oh yah... My social circle is really very small now... Wee and Yang already went into N.S... there's only a handful of guys who I would ask to go out now.. haha.. You guys here, jio me go out when your free perhaps? -Hahz- O yah... I...